May 23, 2015


It's so beautiful


Sad Story


12 year old boy with autism built a lego titanic ship.


Heard you guys like Puppies. Here's mine. He's 5 months old


The saddest cat I've ever seen... sad all the time


This Girl HATES Pineapples On Pizzas With A Passion


That's cute


32 Competent Things Men Do That Women Find Sexual, Ranked


Any other zones other than the friend-zone?


A duck sized horse


Yeah... I was wondering too... WTF


I think by now Tom Hardy is noticing the pattern.


Taylor doesn't forgive. Taylor doesn't forget.


The things doctors go through


Kid throws a fit next to Obama


I'm going to Na'vi hell for this.


And people wonder why we don't eat healthy anymore

Ducks get their own "Duck Lanes" Near the Canal Walkways in London

Ducks get their own "Duck Lanes" Near the Canal Walkways in London

But it's just a "theory"...

But it's just a "theory"...


Dr. Omer Akalin - Turkish Gynecologist a.k.a. Good Luck GYN


10/10 IGN


Me as a tour guide...


Mexican justice league


Strange moment


School and college


When my friend who's uglier than me finds a gf and I'm still single!


Being a GoT fan seeing the reaction to Grey's Anatomy tonight...

May 16, 2015


Meanwhile in a Portuguese School...


This might be the best thing I've ever read.


A post said that your birthmark is how you died in your previous life


Any Warhammer 40K fans here?


Welcome, to Jurassic Pug!


I mean, you could make it out of cow milk, sheep milk... How about human milk?


Mike Tyson ftw...


This Artist Creates Geometric Line And Dot Tattoos To Prove Less Is More (Bicem Sinik)


Why are we not funding this?


Being a GoT fan seeing the reaction to Grey's Anatomy tonight...

Apr 26, 2015


I plan on buying the comic books after and reading them together.


What is love


Just admit it.


What am I missing here?


There's A Wild Prank Hidden In Google Maps Insults Apple In The Most Childishly Inappropriate Way


One of the first scumbags


Flame on! oh sh*t...


Not equality. Justice


Dad, Stahp Pls


Fighting with siblings as a kid


Don't trust these people


Being a GoT fan seeing the reaction to Grey's Anatomy tonight...

Apr 25, 2015


It's the little things in life