Jan 31, 2015


Hot strawberries gatherer


I don't care... I'm gonna tell them and I'm gonna tell them loud


It's good to branch out I suppose


What do you guys think?


My favourite Whisky. What's yours?


Before you go to sleep, let me first remind you of your childhood..


That face though


Some friends...Do you all have such friends around you?


Sorry for bad english, but really thanks guys.

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Well they are having fun.


This feeling...


So my sister and my brother made a challenge. Let's who will win. Please do not be lazy and upvote or comment.


Can someone explain what 420 is? Captain?


I got a random text from someone in Germany. I'm from Tucson, AZ. How'd this happen?


The moment when you get trolled!


Faith in humanity lost


If I fits, I sits.


Every Android user should know that.


I airbrushed my ps3 controller (bastiaan is my name btw)

img alt="Cat love .....

Cat love ..


Indian special forces.


I'll just leave this ironically sarcastic pun here


Just EA stuff!!




My The Witcher Collection. All Books And Games That Came Out.


When hear teens chatting




I have an awesome new sound system too...


I have an awesome new sound system too...

"All in one Xbox One" what?

"All in one Xbox One" what?


This College GIRL Got Arrested... Because She Filmed Porn In Her School’s Library!


I just wanna let you know guys I have this!


Is this a trick question?


Just got this beauty from my cousin, any name ideas?


This black cock is probably not so big, but surely exotic


I just couldn't stop...


Another valid question.


What most people think


Welcome to Bank of England vault


New poster for 'Terminator: Genisys' featuring Arnie


Things I love about my Mexico... less than 2 dollar ice cream.


When someone says that I should die because I'm gay.


Perks of being german (yes, it's all beer)


If I had to choose between dating this girl and Victoria Secret model I would choose this girl


Didn't buy a lottery ticket...


Guys, we can't be alone! Or...


Taylor without make up...


26 yo, still a fan of the Simpsons.


School's yummy $6 lunch


He sounds like a good guy to me


No one should have to wait 458 days for their luggage.

Jan 27, 2015


Cleveland reminds us of why female virginity is important


Just gorgeous


A bit dark humor, but still funny