May 9, 2012

Looking deeply into the distant future

Night Fishing in China

Where am I and what happened to youtube?

My son is away at college now, but for 13 years we were faithful to the "first day of school" pic. What a great guy you are...if you read this chum, I love you!

Look at me, I'm dark and mysterious


May 8, 2012

Vandal fail

This is my friend's senior picture.

My cat discovers my boyfriend's browsing history

AnnaLynn McCord posted this on Twitter, saying "I woke up this morning and decided I'm over Hollywood's perfection requirement. To all my girls (and boys) who have ever been embarrassed by their skin! I salute you! I'm not perfect - and that's okay wi

How ironic it is.

When my friends cat passed, we buried him under this tree. That's his brother, he sat there all day.