Nov 13, 2012


Motivational penguin

Tried taking a picture of a sink draining, wound up with a picture of an eye instead. (X-post r/mildlyinteresting)

Single handedly the best way to browse imgur. (Original)

Single handedly the best way to browse imgur. (Original)

Right in the feels

Nov 12, 2012

Just saw "Skyfall." My absolute favorite Bond girl.

I don't know how people from other countries keep their beers cold, but uh.. here in Canada....

Whenever I feel depressed I look at how far I've came in the past year and a half and realize I've received the courage to accept the things I can change. 18 Months Sobriety!

Growing up sucks

Growing up sucks

Whenever I feel depressed I look at how far I've came in the past year and a half and realize I've received the courage to accept the things I can change. 18 Months Sobriety!