Nov 16, 2012

Was looking up curiosity killed that cat for research this popped up.

Mid-Movember, My Impression Of Tard.

I know its not much yet,but i'm taking it day by day...

It's long but it really is worth it.

Remixing a pair of gif's, since my OC ain't cutting it.

My friend likes archer so he painted it. The first pictures is normal, the second is negative.

cross the t's...

Not quite gold, but I chuckled when my mom pointed this out to a friend.

I Painted the Negative of Archer for Class - Kurt Brown, Loyola HS

Mom was worried about me moving to L.A. Sent her this picture.

Nov 15, 2012

A father caught a peeping tom looking in his 15 year old daughters window, this is the perverts mug shot