Dec 14, 2012

sqrt(cos(x))*cos(300x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(6-x^2), -sqrt(6-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5

My husband's grandma. The resemblance is uncanny.

Dec 13, 2012

My nephew Blake, his mom died 3 days after he was born and the adoption papers just went through! Hes all mine!

You know what, I actually like Facebook, but this is an added bonus.

Trying to seduce the girlfriend

My 1st gif and my 1st Grandson about 1 year ago; no need to upvote, just putting it out there.

Bublè bath.

My fiancé and my relationship summed up in a brief text. I have a way of ruining those "special" moments.

This is my grandma who experienced her first 12/12/12 in 1912. She turned 100 in October.

Protecting the environment like a boss

Dec 11, 2012
