Jan 7, 2015

In protest against the Paris attack

I'm not even kidding.

Cabu, Charb, Wolinski, Tignous. 4 out of 12 journalists slaughtered today in Paris

Cabu, Charb, Wolinski, Tignous. 4 out of 12 journalists slaughtered today in Paris

I’m fascinated by what you people find satisfying.

Yo dawg...

I’m fascinated by what you people find satisfying.

I’m fascinated by what you people find satisfying.

At least 12 killed in attack against French newspaper

At least 12 killed in attack against French newspaper

He stole my headphones, put the plug under the soda, and told me he was listening to "pop" music.

He stole my headphones, put the plug under the soda, and told me he was listening to "pop" music.

This War of Mine

This War of Mine

Lest it be forgotten!

Lest it be forgotten!

Banana Ginger Smoothie

20 Super-Healthy Smoothies + (Recipes)

Jared 2014

In Memoriam. Jared Pate 12/17/1987 - 1/6/2015