Dec 30, 2014

How to meditate 101: The flower and the tea cup

Sauron's fall

Sauron's fall

A list of the all time greatest Rangers

It's simply cheating and I don't want my kids look up to people who cheat

It's simply cheating and I don't want my kids look up to people who cheat

And they were threatening who again? With what?

And they were threatening who again? With what?

There are two kinds of students

There are two kinds of students

I tried to make a Shrek cookie.

I tried to make a Shrek cookie.

To everyone rioting

To everyone rioting

Dec 29, 2014

I feel like a teen who's in love for a fist time. Beautiful.

I feel like a teen who's in love for a fist time. Beautiful.

Best couple ever.

Best couple ever.

Not sure if win or fail

Not sure if win or fail