Feb 2, 2015

Brazil's contribution to the world

What is love?

As an Englishman invited to a Superbowl party

As an Englishman invited to a Superbowl party

I raise you this foldable card-knife.

I raise you this foldable card-knife.

Me! When teacher tells a joke

This decal cost me an arm and a leg

This decal cost me an arm and a leg

So today I met this legend.

So today I met this legend.

I found a letter in a bottle sent from Olle Malmberg in 2005

I found a letter in a bottle sent from Olle Malmberg in 2005

What a marvelous age we live in!

Escalator order in Japan. To the left people stand, to the right people walk

Escalator order in Japan. To the left people stand, to the right people walk

New Greek Minister's secret identity revealed, muggles beware!

New Greek Minister's secret identity revealed, muggles beware!

B*tch my movement is fabulous...