May 23, 2015

But it's just a "theory"...

But it's just a "theory"...

Dr. Omer Akalin - Turkish Gynecologist a.k.a. Good Luck GYN

Dr. Omer Akalin - Turkish Gynecologist a.k.a. Good Luck GYN

10/10 IGN

10/10 IGN

Me as a tour guide...

Me as a tour guide...

Mexican justice league

Mexican justice league

Strange moment

Strange moment

School and college

School and college

When my friend who's uglier than me finds a gf and I'm still single!

When my friend who's uglier than me finds a gf and I'm still single!

Being a GoT fan seeing the reaction to Grey's Anatomy tonight...

Being a GoT fan seeing the reaction to Grey's Anatomy tonight...

May 16, 2015

Meanwhile in a Portuguese School...

Meanwhile in a Portuguese School...

This might be the best thing I've ever read.

This might be the best thing I've ever read.

A post said that your birthmark is how you died in your previous life

A post said that your birthmark is how you died in your previous life